Thanks a lot
Yep, there's a selection of different hair styles, head shapes, ears, noses, eyes, mouths and eyebrows included in the custom head generator (you need Spine to use it).
A long animation morphs through thousands of predefined combinations that vary in color, position and scale (X and Y) of the features, and you can even adjust all that by yourself.
The customization of the clothes is limited so far, you can of course change the color, too, but it's not yet optimized for that.
The customization of the outfit is rather supposed to work via exchanging parts between different toons, for instance replacing the uniform of the sheriff toon with a warm-up suit of another toon or something like that.
Of course it is not for everybody. I also prefer art with a more defined style, like the toons of the first version.
But many people asked for something less stylized, so I made some generic characters.
I know, adventure games are not the only thing this is good for, but as I am kind of rooted in the adventure community, I wanted to share my stuff here first.
I've been trying to target the IG Maker community, but they seem to have very harsh forum policies and considered sharing my work as advertising...
From the GameMaker forums, I haven't received any feedback so far...
We'll see.
Thanks again for your feedback!