Release date for 4.3?

  • #190, by birenberggSunday, 25. December 2016, 12:08 8 years ago
    I would suggest to change the Symbols / Icons from the colored ones to these scheme-like Versions you used on the upper right to make it look more clean.
    Yep. The current icons look cheap and outdated.


    7 Posts

  • #191, by birenberggSunday, 25. December 2016, 12:18 8 years ago
    Will we see pathfinder replacing waypoints? smile


    7 Posts

  • #192, by MachtnixTuesday, 27. December 2016, 00:47 8 years ago
    Will we see pathfinder replacing waypoints? smile
    What is that?

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  • #193, by birenberggTuesday, 27. December 2016, 09:21 8 years ago
    Will we see pathfinder replacing waypoints? smile
    What is that?

    Actually, pathfinder is a built in algorythm which finds waypoints automatically.
    Like here: 


    7 Posts

  • #194, by sebastianTuesday, 27. December 2016, 12:39 8 years ago
    Looks like an A* path search algorythm. I guess its not that easy to just change the current system to a new one because of backwards compatibility. But you could achieve  this kind of pathfinding with Lua inside VS.  Would involve to name objects correctly or give it a specific value to let the engine know that the object polygon is "solid" and a lot of math to calculate the best path around it . 

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  • #195, by afrlmeTuesday, 27. December 2016, 13:09 8 years ago
    Looks interesting I suppose. You can already create cut-outs in the way border, though it's not always so obvious. You don't technically have to add paths either, but if you don't then walking will only work when the player clicks inside of the walkable area rather than the engine guessing the nearest position when players clicks outside of the walkable area.

    One thing you really need to take into account is that because it's 2D both your characters & scene objects aren't solid & character position is based on where you set the animation center on each of your characters animations. It's usually somewhere near the bottom in between the characters feet, which means that anything to the left, right, top or bottom of that position can essentially go through scene objects so you need to take care when cutting out the way border around an object that you compensate for the excess character animation to prevent clipping. It requires a bit of trial & error to get it right.

    As for the paths. I believe it's better to add your own as there's less chance of characters walking off on some bizarre path to get where they need to go - well providing you create a decent path & not something completely random. I believe a nice path is when all branches are connected in one single web as it is less confusing to the engine. Don't be afraid to create complex paths with multiple branches going off in all directions. Though sometimes it helps to keep it simple.


    7285 Posts

  • #196, by MachtnixTuesday, 27. December 2016, 20:41 8 years ago
    Hm... whats wrong with the Visionaire system? OK, it's not perfect, but with a little plan it works. I really miss the possibility to make different pathways for different characters on the same floor. I need something like this in every game.

    And I want a pathway system without a crash every five minutes... I think that should be done first. :-)

    And to change the position of the pathway areas in my list... I want to have my areas combined to logical groups or files, not to search the whole area list to find an area I did weeks ago.

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  • #197, by afrlmeTuesday, 27. December 2016, 22:20 8 years ago
    @Machtnix: the paths per character sounds nice, but also sounds like a lot of work if you have to create one for each character. An option to make it easier to force scaling on static characters would probably be more appreciated. It's possible to force scaling now, but it requires loops & some other stuff - I forget what exactly, as I sorted out some script for some mini-game I think for Paradigm way way back.


    7285 Posts

  • #198, by marvelThursday, 29. December 2016, 13:31 8 years ago
    And I want a pathway system without a crash every five minutes... I think that should be done first. :-)
    This has already been fixed in the new version smile

    Key Killer

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  • #199, by James WoodallThursday, 29. December 2016, 16:12 8 years ago
    I'd enjoy being able to tell the particle systems to artificially simulate themselves on start to appear as if they'd been playing before the scene started - as Unity's "prewarm particle system" function does.

    It makes the effects look sort of cheap when you're doing weather FX if they start out as a burst from various places.


    14 Posts

  • #200, by sebastianMonday, 02. January 2017, 08:12 8 years ago
    I'd enjoy being able to tell the particle systems to artificially simulate themselves on start to appear as if they'd been playing before the scene started - as Unity's "prewarm particle system" function does.

    It makes the effects look sort of cheap when you're doing weather FX if they start out as a burst from various places.
    stuff like fireflies and smoke would profit from it smile 

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