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  • #40, by sebastianSaturday, 15. October 2016, 22:46 8 years ago
    language filter for news/blog could be selectable by each user then (in account settings or at the blog site directly). For official posts like Update notifications or general news you guys from the VS team should be able to have language independent posts which get displayed anyway (to prevent you guys from posting news for each language separatly and having multilple news (and comments) for the same topic but on different places... These news should be in english though. 

    Another idea would be to have the possibility to enter a text for each language when creating a blog post and having english as the default case if the current user language (other than english) has no text.  

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  • #41, by afrlmeSaturday, 15. October 2016, 23:54 8 years ago
    @Glenfx The wiki design & stuff would be up to me, I guess. There is both a light & dark theme option which you can toggle by clicking on the light bulb icon in the menu bar. The wiki isn't hosted on the same server as Visionaire Studio. It's something me & David (BigStans) setup.

    Like Thomas said, they've been working on some kind of documentation / article / book thing which allows you to create chapters & export content as a pdf file or something, so might consider migrating wiki stuff over to that - though for me it depends on whether or not there will be a darker theme option as I can't stand writing on mostly white / light colored pages as they give me headache after short periods of time, which is why I created a dark theme for the wiki.

    P.S: Glad to see it's not just me & Nige that have issues with the language divide nonsense (thanks for reminding of the correct term). It does feel very alienating. I still believe it should be scrapped. The translation stuff for the website buttons, text, etc is fine, but dividing posts & news articles based on language is pure shitty! & again I'm probably coming across as biased because my native language is English, but - again - as I already mentioned before, anyone wanting to work in game dev really should learn some English on account of all programming languages being in English, most applications used in game, graphic & sound design being in English & almost everyone you deal with (publishers, stores, workforce - unless they speak your native language - will probably be communicating with you in, yes, you guessed it, English!

    @ Sebastian: I'd much rather see all news regardless of whether it's just the same article posted multiple times in different languages. But that's a nice idea on allowing to create article in different languages & maybe have a button to select language. I think it would be a bit complicated to make though on account of news article title. So probably best just to create a new article for each language you want to post in.


    7278 Posts

  • #42, by NigecSunday, 16. October 2016, 00:06 8 years ago
    Thea render the company I beta test for are Greek, they wouldn't dream of having Greek only sections, NOTHING on their site is in Greek.. tthey insist everyone uses English, if people struggle they either use their own language and an English version.
    If you want Visionaire to be a global success you need to lose the Them and Us feeling
    In 7 years I don't think there has ever been a single person we couldn't help with Thea, likewise the non German or English people who ask for help here

    Thea has a bigger european following than users in the UK or States, actually its French, German, Polish and Italian

    Key Killer

    629 Posts

  • #43, by sebastianSunday, 16. October 2016, 00:08 8 years ago
    the problem i see in language dependent blog posts is that someone can miss information when comments under e. g. the english post are not visible for persons who have the german/spanish/etc blog post.If there is a question (comment)  under that post only the native speakers have the benefit of the answer...

    even it would be technical possible what i mentioned in my post before the idea of sticking by one language for the blog/news would be the better choice. 
    Other way arou d for the forum. It should be possible to ask questions in tje preferred language - but maybe with the con that there could be nobody who can respond... 

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  • #44, by afrlmeSunday, 16. October 2016, 00:35 8 years ago
    the problem i see in language dependent blog posts is that someone can miss information when comments under e. g. the english post are not visible for persons who have the german/spanish/etc blog post.If there is a question (comment)  under that post only the native speakers have the benefit of the answer...

    even it would be technical possible what i mentioned in my post before the idea of sticking by one language for the blog/news would be the better choice. 
    Other way arou d for the forum. It should be possible to ask questions in tje preferred language - but maybe with the con that there could be nobody who can respond... 
    Aye in the forum, but without having to specifiy the language you are positing in. Simply create a title & post in whatever language you like & as you say, maybe someone will be able to reply to it or maybe it will get ignored. I sometimes ignore German posts - though mostly it's if they are really long or if bing can't translate to something I can understand because it's mostly been written in slang or shorthand & the translator doesn't know to translate it properly.


    7278 Posts

  • #45, by sebastianSunday, 16. October 2016, 12:29 8 years ago
    Found something new: In mobile (again) The "new topic/neuer Beitrag" Button doesn't appear when holding the phone "normal". It disappears when the screen is to small.

    Because the searchbar is very cool placed and full page-filling in mobile mode i would suggest to add a "pen" button like in google apps or websites (google+) in the button-right corner which floats above all and is fixed to the screen (scrolls with you)

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    2346 Posts

  • #46, by TinTinSunday, 16. October 2016, 20:18 8 years ago
    New site and new prices is great. Special for mobile ports.Nice job!
    But we need to many updates for engine . Android port doesn't make a fresh apk and iOS is not update too.

    When is your new update ? Is it before Christmas ?
    Sorry but I have a little time for decide choose your engine or other because my assets is almost ready.

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  • #47, by marvelSunday, 16. October 2016, 20:28 8 years ago
    When is your new update ? Is it before Christmas ?
    Sorry but I have a little time for decide choose your engine or other because my assets is almost ready.
    We are very busy with the new editor and the update, but I don't already have a specific date. I BELIEVE it will come at the end of this year.

    Key Killer

    598 Posts

  • #48, by TinTinSunday, 16. October 2016, 21:57 8 years ago
    Great news Marvel . I stick to asstes too and waiting for good news from you .

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  • #49, by MachtnixMonday, 17. October 2016, 01:36 8 years ago
    Hi, ich war einige Zeit nicht hier und - zack - ist alles neu. Ganz ok soweit. Das Gelb ist immerhin geblieben. Ich hoffe, ich muss mich jetzt nicht mehr andauernd anmelden (beim alten Forum wurde ich nach jeder Sitzung rausgekickt). Nur die Unsitte von grauer Schrift auf weißem /beigem Grund ist nicht mehr totzukriegen... aber das betrifft ja nur wenige Texte.

    2 Anmerkungen:
    für die Editor-Buttons hätte ich gerne Erklärungspopups. Was bedeutet denn </> z.B.? Und der Viererstern ist für größere Schrift ...?

    Die linke Spalte mit den Avataren usw. ist RIESIG. Ich muss das Forum drei Stufen kleiner stellen, um den ganzen Beitrag bis zum rechten Rand sehen zu können - und dann wird die Schrift so klein, dass ich Mühe habe, sie zu lesen. Sie bricht nicht um - das könnte man ändern.
    Diese Seite habe ich jetzt so groß gezoomt, dass meine persönlichen Buttons und der Absendebutton rechts  außerhalb des Bildes sind. Find ich ärgerlich.

    Da alle Beiträge bisher in Englisch waren, habe ich sie nur so überflogen. Ich weiß also nicht, was schon angemerkt wurde. Interessant, dass hier die US-Flagge weht und nicht die Englische. Wegen EU-Austritt, oder wie? :-) Ich schreibe und lese wenn, dann eher britisches Englisch. Aber noch lieber gar keins..

    Bin gespannt auf eine neue Visionaire-Version. Momentan modelliere ich andere Sachen in 3D und habe Visionaire-Studio lange nicht benutzt.


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  • #50, by sebastianMonday, 17. October 2016, 07:13 8 years ago
    @machtnix welche Auflösung hast du? kannst du mal ein Screenshot mit 100% zoom machen? 
    normalerweise passt sich das Design der breite des Bildschirms an... 

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