Keeping a condition even after game exit

  • #10, by ke4Friday, 13. May 2016, 12:56 8 years ago
    I'm not trying to avoid Lua as i like to use it, pretty much for the same reasons. I just got the idea & now i understand why there's no function like that in the engine.

    I guess you mean you use Lua for "special" things as i don't see much a point in using it for simple stuff like character speaking or adding item unless it's not part of a bigger function. will be more fun with the colors and new stuff for Lua in the new Vis, it will get even more clear then.

    Key Killer

    810 Posts

  • #11, by afrlmeFriday, 13. May 2016, 13:05 8 years ago
    Ah yeah there's no color syntax for the execute a script blocks is there? Wasn't really paying attention to them. I know there is in the script section of the editor, but as you know I write most of my scripts in sublime & copy/paste them into the editor when I'm done.


    7278 Posts

  • #12, by ke4Friday, 13. May 2016, 13:14 8 years ago
    Yeah i don't know grin I just thought there will be new enviroment for the scripts since the next release, right? But you right there's already actually color syntax in the scripts tab, i forgot about that.

    Key Killer

    810 Posts

  • #13, by afrlmeFriday, 13. May 2016, 14:06 8 years ago
    I can tell you that David has been working on improving the script side of the engine / editor, so yeah, there should be some new features & improvements regarding that. I don't know if they will extend into the execute a script action blocks though.

    Unfortunately it doesn't look like auto-complete is going to be added just yet, so I will probably continue to use Sublime for the most part & reserve writing scripts inside of the editor to small-ish ones I can get by without the features I use in Sublime. I was talking with Simon about auto-complete a couple weeks or so back as I'd like to see it extend to actions, functions & so on, just like Game Maker Studio, where it shows a list of actions / events / functions based on what you are currently typing.


    7278 Posts