Hide animation

  • #1, by LupaShivaMonday, 20. July 2020, 17:14 4 years ago
    Hello again

    I have another question, im creating a first person adventure, and i have a 1 sprite animation that i want to repeat until another text dissapears, what im doing is:

    -The animation is set to 20 ms with infinite loop
    -and then i do "Play animation", "Narration text" and then "Hide animation", everything without the "wait until the animation is finished" and the narration text without "Show as background text", but when i run, it seems the animation doesnt stop instantly, it continues for a few seconds, what am i doing wrong? 

    Thanks everyone

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  • #2, by LupaShivaTuesday, 21. July 2020, 18:10 4 years ago
    I managed to stop the animation, forcing the character to say something after the hide animation, problably there is another way, maybe script?

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  • #3, by shicoTuesday, 18. August 2020, 14:55 4 years ago
    Don't know if you already found another way or not, (and this is just a wild guess of course!) try adding a milisecond pause just before (or after, not sure...) "hide animation" instead of forcing the character say something. This helped me on one occasion when I needed to stop a looping animation...


    21 Posts

  • #4, by jerirecienMonday, 24. August 2020, 15:50 4 years ago
    Hi all,

    I have a similar issue. When I am trying to play a character animation with the Play/Hide Animation action part, it doesn't play. Though it plays ok in VS5 RC2 but it doesn't in the latest version.
    Thanks for any help


    1 Posts

  • #5, by shicoMonday, 24. August 2020, 21:01 4 years ago
    @Jerirecien I just updated to the latest version but it didn't effect any of my animations. 

    If you say the same action parts setup worked before the update, as a start maybe try deleting actions and applying them again (All fresh), perhaps that will refresh something that been causing the issue.


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