Die ersten vier Wochen

  • #10, by GreenLightDevelopmentSaturday, 19. April 2014, 19:55 10 years ago
    Hier geht's mir eher um eine echt umfangreiche Datenbank, die viele Themenbereiche, Funktionen und Inhalte abdeckt. Nicht nur um die Sachlage "Wie bekomm' ich meine erste Szene zum laufen" (was nun nicht die Qualität der bestehenden Tutorials schmälern soll!). Etwas, um den kompletten Funktionsumfang zu beschreiben, in kleinen, verträglichen Häppchen, die man stichwortartig Nachschlagen kann.

    Wie gesagt, hier geht es mir darum, das ich als Endnutzer schnell and einfach/verständliche (und aktuelle) Informationen komme und ihr als Team, ein paar extra Märker in die die Taschen gespühlt bekommt.

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  • #11, by marvelSaturday, 19. April 2014, 20:05 10 years ago
    Hast Du schon in AFRLme's ausführliches Wiki geschaut? smile

    Key Killer

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  • #12, by afrlmeSaturday, 19. April 2014, 20:35 10 years ago
    Ok too much stuff here for me to translate. I've read about half of the thread & have got the basic gist of it. I will at some point be explaining how to create certain things in the official wiki, such as: how to create a professional menu like you see in Daedalic games, or how to create a realistic looking walk cycle via the new walk system & various other things.

    The thing is that the tutorials/explanations will be in English - I don't really know much German & even if I did, I would still make the tutorials in English for all the non-German speakers. In regards to the forum support: Visionaire Community has always had decent support for German speakers & threads in German but before I came along there was hardly any support for non-German speakers, & we would probably have had to wait days or even a week or so before we got a reply.

    Anyway, I believe Suro might be up for creating some new video tutorials. His previous video tutorials were very useful & very easy to follow. I would create some myself but I need to sort out a mic & install some video software, but first I need to work on the wiki itself, before I can sort out any tutorials.

    If people posted what they really want to learn about first - or the most important stuff they want to learn about - then that would really help us decide what to create tutorials/mini-guides for etc.


    7278 Posts

  • #13, by GreenLightDevelopmentSunday, 20. April 2014, 00:29 10 years ago
    Ich denke, wir sprechen hier komplett aneinander vorbei.
    Ich spreche von einem Geschäftsmodell, um Geld zu erwirtschaften.
    Du sprichst von einem offenen Hub, wo Leute selbst dran rumwerkeln.

    Hier Vergleiche zu ziehen und/oder zu erklären, wer/was gemacht hat, oder evtl. machen wird, bringt uns auf keinen grünen Zweig :-P Weil das ist der Vergleich von Äpfel mit Birnen ;-)

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  • #14, by afrlmeSunday, 20. April 2014, 00:40 10 years ago
    Yes, I know you are talking about us creating tutorials & selling them, or offering one to one sessions etc in which we explain via webcam/remote desktop or whatever. How to do this, or how to do that.

    Sure we could make some & sell them via our own store, or add them to some of the websites other people have mentioned, or we could even setup some kind of microdonation service for it like flattr or pling.it.

    I'd rather they were donation optional like my Lua scripts, that way people can pay whatever they want. People would probably be more inclined to donate a small amount for a tutorial, say a few euros or something than spend €50's per tutorial, or per set.

    Just my thoughts & opinions on the matter. I don't know what the rest of the VS teams thoughts are in regards to this. Personally, everything I have done so far has pretty much been pro-bono.


    7278 Posts

  • #15, by GreenLightDevelopmentSunday, 20. April 2014, 01:04 10 years ago
    Maybe a mixed System would be also a nice thing. You offer (for money, of course) all informations about the Program as Tutrials AND giving the Community the option, to build their Tutorials and Infos arround it (for free), about "how to paint a Scene", "how to make Music", "how to make ItemIcons", "how to make SFX", n simililar stuff. Even there is a way, Users selling their own Tuto's on that platform...

    This would give you guys the option, to monetize the Basic of your Knowledgebase AND give everyone else a way, to add his own Stuff to it for free, or for money.

    There is no limitation, into this kinda things...

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  • #16, by afrlmeSunday, 20. April 2014, 01:25 10 years ago
    Yes, I know... Just requires some thought & organization. Did you not read the part about Thomas saying we would probably offer discounts, free licenses etc to people who provide (good) tutorials, translations for the engine etc?

    I don't think we would provide how to draw/paint scenes or create music - I know how to produce music but I still wouldn't provide help for that. I spent 5 years or so running a music production & promotion forum & indie record label (of sorts) & I can't be bothered delving back into that stuff again. wink I think that would be left to other people, besides there's loads of stuff for drawing/painting (traditional & digital) on places like tuts+ which feature some nice step by step guides for game dev art if I remember correctly.

    If we were to focus on anything particular then it would be the core mechanics of the editor. In other words the functions, the actions, how to setup a scene, or a character, or an environment animation, or the way system & so on.

    Have you checked the wiki? I know it's still got a long way to go, but I'm one person & I have to work around my own stuff & time, but you can get an idea of what it will contain. My main priority is to add overviews of each section/tab & window, which explains what each button does or what each thing is for. I will be adding screenshots, annotated diagrams, & icons to certain parts of the wiki too, to further explain certain things.


    7278 Posts

  • #17, by GreenLightDevelopmentSunday, 20. April 2014, 01:35 10 years ago
    Yeah, i read about the "getting a free copy for good Tutorials" 'n stuff ;-) But i think, whoever creates a Tutorial, allready owns a License ;-)

    The Idea, about "additional Tutorials", like creating Music, Graphics, bases on the Idea, using free Software, giving Hint, "how to start up with X..." 'n stuff.

    And about LUA... As a Beginner, i have not even an Idea, what it is or how it works (all i know, it seams to be the Language, thats "behind" Visionaire). But before ill ever be able to use LUA, i should learn the Language, or need to be able, to control Visionaire in its full feature, to understand it. For understand Visionaire, i need Tutorials ;-)
    Its just my PoV, from a Beginner/Someone who never worked with scripting. Getting from Novice, to Beginner, to Semi-Pro, to Pro, to Coder... You cant tell Novices, "here is Script X, use it" and the Novice has no idea, what the fork he should do with it :-P

    The Knowledgebase would give, even unadvanced Users a option, to work with Visionaire, by getting Access to a large Knowledgebase, for Money.

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  • #18, by afrlmeSunday, 20. April 2014, 01:45 10 years ago
    In regards to Lua script, check the wiki! I have already made a start on an introduction to Lua guide & I have provided the majority of my own scripts on the wiki (donation optional) & I will be adding a lot more for the Lua side of the documentation in layman terms, as I also like things to be explained clearly & simply. I find most of the tutorials for Lua on the web very confusing.

    For instance if I see:
    for k, v in pairs(t) do

    I would probably be thinking the same thing as you... What the fuck!? For me the problem is usually in the way that the other blogs present the examples or explanations as they don't provide you with working examples, screenshots or comments on the code & it all just looks like a confusing mess.

    I found this blog to be quite nice though. Good explanations & it has exercises for you to try. http://www.phailed.me/2011/02/learn-lua-the-hard-way-tables/

    The thing is that you can probably do most things in the editor via the internal actions, action parts, queries, conditions & values, without having to code a single line of Lua. The only real reason for using Lua is if you want a little more flexibility, or need to access something not available in-editor, or want to create a more polished/professional game, etc...


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  • #19, by the-grandmasterSaturday, 26. April 2014, 01:45 10 years ago
    Ich würde auch gerne mehr Tuts in Deutsch haben. Kann mir nicht vorstellen das ich der einzigste hir bin der kein Englisch kann.
    Für die Profis ist das doch kein Problem, oder?


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