[Reminder] Official Visionaire Studio Discord Server

  • #20, by afrlmeFriday, 12. June 2020, 20:19 4 years ago
    Yeah the link is an invite to the server. I can't have an official link to the server until I can get the server verified, but I can't do that until Thomas releases Oak Island. VS isn't a game publisher & apparently being a game engine isn't enough to get verified, but we can if we have a released commercial game - apparently.

    Anyway, if you open up the discord website, & you sign into your account you will see a + button somewhere that you can click on to add a server. paste in the invite link from here & it will automatically add the server to your list. wink


    7278 Posts

  • #21, by MachtnixFriday, 12. June 2020, 20:44 4 years ago
    It's very very very very unclear and complicated. I think I have some servers now, but for what? What does this server mean and why do I need them? A server is a BIG HUGE machine with 5000000 harddisks to contain the whole internet... wink wink

    But I think it works now. „Ich bin drin“!

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  • #22, by afrlmeFriday, 12. June 2020, 23:03 4 years ago
    It's just a chatroom, like the old IRC chatroom applications, such as ms comic chat or mIRC. I prefer it over the VS forum because we can have instant back & forth conversations & anyone online can easily join in.

    The only downside is that conversations can easily get lost if people are very active, but that's why I recently created a new channel on the server called "FAQ", so that I could link to useful conversations/discussions.


    7278 Posts

  • #23, by MachtnixSaturday, 13. June 2020, 15:17 4 years ago
    There are a lot more active people on Discord, but sometimes the discussions aren't very clear. About what they talk? That's why the thread has no beginning, I have to scroll upwards to reach a discussion start point. I think a forum with thread titels and questions is clearer. Discord has a huge area for developpers or artists and so on, but they are full of different topics.

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  • #24, by NigecSaturday, 13. June 2020, 15:56 4 years ago
    its great if you need help with a problem

    Key Killer

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  • #25, by MachtnixSaturday, 13. June 2020, 16:13 4 years ago
    I think Discord should differ server areas (means folder?) between Vis versions. I have my problems with 4.2.5, because I use it. But nobody except me uses it. wink And it's arduous to read a million English texts to find out what's talking about and how can I find MY problem... wink

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  • #26, by NigecSaturday, 13. June 2020, 16:44 4 years ago
    yeah the lua side has changed a lot between versions

    most of the things I shared  here were done with 3.7.1, I never had to fix any of them going to 4x or 5x, I improved the way they worked in V5 but the original are still a reasonable option.

    I can't imagine how hard it must be to translate what we write, I've tried to help in German topics here, but I reply in English

    Key Killer

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  • #27, by MachtnixSaturday, 13. June 2020, 17:17 4 years ago
    It would be helpful if there is a tiny remark in the Lua wiki which code works in which version.

    And yes, I use a lot of old codes (f.e. volume control) and it works in the newer. Also the "long" object adressing.  But the other way round not...

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  • #28, by afrlmeSunday, 14. June 2020, 03:11 4 years ago
    Most of the scripts should work fine, but Simon upgraded Lua from 5.1 to 5.3 at some point, so some of the old scripts need editing to work in newer versions of VS because 5.3 deprecated a bunch of functions/operators & changed how they are accessed/edited.

    As for scripts I write now & since shorthand was introduced, I will always write them in shorthand because why would I bother writing them in longhand when 99.99% of the people that are using VS are using VS 4 or 5?

    In regards to the discord server, I never intended for people to use it to ask for help/discuss issues, etc. I created it as a friendly social hub for VS users to chat & discuss various things & potentially get to know each other, make friends, find people to work together on projects - but it seems most people join & ask questions anyway & someone usually ends up answering. Then again I wouldn't exactly say this forum is any easier to find stuff, considering it keeps breaking & the search function rarely work. If I want to find something on here, I usually end up using google & hard searching for results on visionaire-studio.net, which defeats the purpose of having a bloody search bar on here.

    Aye discord can get a bit confusing, especially when multiple people are having a conversation at the same time with different people in the same channel, but luckily discord lets you quote messages & mention people, so it's not too bad - your head would spin if you saw what really popular servers with 1000's of members are like.


    7278 Posts

  • #29, by MachtnixSunday, 14. June 2020, 14:28 4 years ago
    I use the longer scripting version, because it's logical to me. I'm not a programmer - I think "linear". One thing first, another thing second.
    The short one is "too short" to me... I don't comprehend, what is what.. smile wink

    The long scripting usually  works in the R 5, but not the other way. It's only oldfashioned, but allowed. Only the Wiki shows the short version in most cases so I have to look for the long spelling.

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  • #30, by MachtnixSunday, 05. July 2020, 14:51 4 years ago
    Ich bin einfach zu blöd für dieses Discord. Jetzt bin ich zwar bei Visionaire drin, aber ich soll "meinen Account beanspruchen" und schreiben kann ich auch nichts und mein Profil ist auch ein anderes. Gibt es Machtnix jetzt zweimal? Wenn ich "beanspruche", sagt Discord, diese Email gäbe es schon. Na, logisch, das bin doch ich! Discord hatte beim ersten Mal einen eigenen Server verlangt (ich habe einen Machtwas-Server gekriegt), aber diesmal nicht.

    I'm just too stupid for this discord. Now I'm in Visionaire, but I'm supposed to "claim my account" and I can't write anything and my profile is a different one. Is there Machtnix now twice? If I "claim", Discord says, this email already exists. Well, of course, that's me! Discord had requested his own server the first time (I got a Machtwas server), but not this time.

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